Saturday, June 14, 2008

Eric Clapton Shows Some Guitar Skills

I watched this clip earlier today and found it quite cool! It's an interview with Eric Clapton where he shows us a little bit about how the guitar works but also some of his own guitar skills! Myself, I really enjoyed watching it!

Eric Clapton Shows Some Guitar Skills

Is it a cigarette that he has put on the guitar-head?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

On Thursday night I caught up with the “Eric Clapton Tour 2008” For all the concerts I’ve attended in my life, it was the first time I took in an Eric Clapton show. And it was so great for two reasons, I attended his concert for the first time and I got cheap Tickets ; the night was wonderful and special for me.
For every Eric Clapton fan, or someone who has a great appreciation for truly excellent music, I urge you to see him live, and don’t worry about tickets, I used to compare them for FREE at and get the cheapest ones. So don’t miss to attend his next concert. Here is the link: