It is now possible to win a "Magic Bus"!
Enter the competition for just £5 and you'll make a contribution to "Teenage Cancer Trust" at the same time. The bus is signed by Roger Daltrey and Pete Townshend!
Check it out!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Magic Bus
Friday, June 20, 2008
BMI Film/TV Composer Award
Bonham and Starr top drum album list!
The list is called "The 50 Greatest Drum Albums" and was published by Rythm magazine earlier this year. In the first place you find the Led Zeppelin album "Led Zeppelin IV" and drummer John Bonham, followed by The Beatles' "Abbey Road and drummer Ringo Starr, in 2nd place.
Led Zeppelin actually got five albums in the top 50 and The Beatles got three!
Top 5
#1 Led Zeppelin – Led Zeppelin IV (1971)
Drummer: John Bonham
#2 The Beatles – Abbey Road (1969)
Drummer: Ringo Starr
#3 Led Zeppelin – Physical Graffiti (1975)
Drummer: John Bonham
#4 Nirvana – Nevermind (1991)
Drummer: Dave Grohl
#5 Miles Davis – Nefertiti (1967)
Drummer: Tony Williams
The whole list here!
I also found this article about the list!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
13 Reasons To Give Ringo Starr some respect!
I have many times talked to people about the "Pete Best/Ringo Starr phenomenon". Some of them has said that Ringo was lucky, that Pete Best was a lot better drummer. They have also said that Ringo Starr was The Beatles weakest link, that he didn't really know how to drum and that he often got out of tempo. These people don't have a clue of what they're talking about.
If you get into the same discussion it will now be easy to refer to this list:
13 Reasons To Give Ringo Starr Some Respect.
"This is an excellent list of thirteen reasons given by John Bryant (a session drummer who has played with artists such as Ray Charles) why Ringo Starr was much more than “an average drummer,” as he is often labelled by music critics.
Always serving the song without showing off, Ringo was an integral and indipensible part of The Beatles. Ringo’s intuitive feel and creative big beat style continues to be hugely influential to contemporary musicians of diverse musical genres, whether they realize it or not. His feel was so consistent and solid that even the drum parts he played for songs in odd time signatures seem simpler than they truly are. Many technically great drummers could never hope to reproduce Ringo’s distinctive style."

George Harrison: "Playing without Ringo is like driving a car on three wheels."
Won't Get Fooled Again
This is a clip with The Who performing Won't Get Fooled Again, in my opinion one of the greatest rock songs ever! Please notice the contrast between Townshend and Entwistle in this clip. I Think it's kind of fun. Keith Moon, Roger Daltrey and Pete Townshend go crazy like always but John Entwistle is just standing there, (as usual).
Won't Get Fooled Again - The Who
I had the priviledge to se Daltrey and Townshend live last summer. It was amazing!
June 18th, HE was born!
1942, James Paul McCartney was born in Liverpool, England!
This day have been celebrated in many different ways by The Beatles.
Find out more here!
Happy birthday Paul!
Paul McCartney in Kiev!
I found this review of McCartney's recent Kiev concert, published on another blog, yesterday. Just a recommendation for all you McCartney-fans out there.
Read the article here
Another article worth reading, published on "TimesOnline"
Here is a clip from that evening:
Back In The USSR - Paul McCartney
Robert Plant is not in a hurry!
As a comment on the widely discussed, possible Led Zeppelin reunion tour and his present collaboration with Alison Krauss, Robert Plant has said:
"I'm in no hurry to go anywhere. I want to stay very close. This is a font of knowledge, and I'm sticking as close to it as I can"
Alison Krauss agrees by saying:
"We're all having a wonderful time, and I hope and I think all three of us (Krauss, Plant and producer T Bone Burnett) are hoping to continue this and that it goes on and on."
Well, I hope this collaboration won't remain any longer than it is said. I've already seen Plant/Krauss. Now I want to see Plant/Page/Paul Jones!
Led Zeppelin won at MOJO
Yesterday, the MOJO Honours List 2008 was announced and Led Zeppelin was awarded for "Best Live Act". Of cource, it was the O2 Arena reunion concert in december last year the judges had in mind.
Read more about the awards and check out the other winners here!
Experience the best live act 2008 through YouTube!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Waterloo Sunset (Live)
This is a clip with Ray Davies and David Bowie performing The Kinks' Waterloo Sunset live in 2003! As you may know, Davies' was the lead singer of The Kinks and he also wrote the most of their hits, such as this song.
Waterloo Sunset (Live) - Ray Davies and David Bowie
100 Greatest Rock Songs?
Yesterday I found this list called "100 Greatest Rock Songs". Well, a lot of the songs listed are not rock songs and the list actually contains 300 songs and not 100 as the title says. But anyway, some good song recommendations I think! Take a look!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Experience Led Zeppelin at the O2 Arena, 2007!
Yes, because IT IS possible, even though we have to be content with doing it through YouTube. I recently found this webpage where someone has gathered clips with all the songs from that evening. The whole setlist!
Check it out here!
The quality of the clips might vary but they're all worth watching!
The Wind Cries Mary
I actually discovered this performance today, 41 years after the day it was recorded in Stockholm, the same city I'm located in at the moment. Even though my thoughts about Hendrix are a little bit ambivalent I think this is one of the best songs ever written.
The Winds Cries Mary - Jimi Hendrix
After all the jacks are in their boxes
And the clowns have all gone to bed
You can hear happiness staggering on down the street
Footprints dressed in red
And the wind whispers mary
A broom is drearily sweeping
Up the broken pieces of yesterdays life
Somewhere a queen is weeping
Somewhere a king has no wife
And the wind, cries mary
The traffic lights, they turn blue tomorrow
And shine their emptiness down on my bed
The tiny island sags down stream
cause the life that lived is, Is dead
And the wind screams mary
Will the wind ever remember
The names it has blow in the past?
And with this crutch, its old age, and its wisdom
It whispers no, this will be the last
And the wind cries mary
I always get into a specific mood while listening to this song. It has something special. This is music!
Leonard Cohen in Dublin
For those of you who are fans of Cohen I would like to recomend this blogpost. It is a review of his concert in Dublin 14th June 2008.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
"Pop Quiz" 1983
The Swedish music journalist Fredrik Strage presented these following clips in his blog "The 100 greatest rock moments on YouTube". Some months ago he started with #100 and on the 11th of June he presented these clips as #21!
The clips are from the TV-show called "Pop Quiz", broadcasted in 1983.
Team 1:
Bev Bevan of Electric Light Orchestra
Andy Mackay of Roxy Music
Dave Gahan of Depeche Mode
Team 2:
Sara Dallin of Bananarama,
Glenn Tilbrock of Squeeze
Robert Plant of Led Zeppelin
Check it out!!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Even though the program itself might be a little dreary, I thought it worth watching, not least thanks to the cool music-clips which it contains!
Link to Fredrik Strage's blog (In Swedish)
Strage, Thank you for sharing this!
Say It Ain't So, Joe
The sound- and picture quality is quite bad in this clip but the song is very good! It's a cover on the version written by Murray Head. But I like Roger Daltrey's version much better!
Say It Ain't So, Joe - Roger Daltrey
Eric Clapton Shows Some Guitar Skills
I watched this clip earlier today and found it quite cool! It's an interview with Eric Clapton where he shows us a little bit about how the guitar works but also some of his own guitar skills! Myself, I really enjoyed watching it!
Eric Clapton Shows Some Guitar Skills
Is it a cigarette that he has put on the guitar-head?
Paul McCartney will end his career with a two-year long world tour!
According to Sunday Mirror (8/06/08), Sir Paul McCartney will end his career with a two-year long world tour! He says that he want to spend more time with his four years old daughter, Beatrice.
The first dates will be announced later this summer but it is told that the tour will start this autumn and include Europe, Asia, North- and South America and Australia!
This is a clip from his very succesfull concert in Liverpool, which probably inspired him to go on tour.
Something - Paul McCartney
Lovely song! I really hope this tour will include Sweden!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Twist and Shout
I just found this clip with The Beatles and thought it was a live performance but then I realised that they didn't have either microphones or cables for their instruments. I compared the music with the track released on their first album "Please Please Me" and realised that they were identical. Intresting.. or maybe not!
Twist and Shout (Playback) - The Beatles
As I said, the song was released on their first album in 1963. The song is actually a cover and the song was originally made famous by the group called "The Isley Brothers". That version was on the other hand a cover on The Top Notes version. A little bit complicated maybe.. Well, here is a live version by The Beatles in 1965. Listen and enjoy!
Twist and Shout - The Beatles/(Baby's In Black - The Beatles)
Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again
The song with the long title! It was released on Blonde On Blonde in 1966.. amazing album!
Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again - Bob Dylan
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Sunday Bloody Sunday
Been listening to this song the whole day. Can't get it out of my head, really! Well, everyone know that U2 are something speciall and Sunday Bloody Sunday is probably one of their best songs but it was actually the drums that made me love this song for real. I think they're really cool, they ROCK!
Sunday Bloody Sunday - U2
This song is not just a musically piece of art, it also have a pronounced political message, refering to the "bloody sunday" 30 January 1972 when 26 civil rights protesters were shot by brittish soldiers, 14 of them died.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
A Whiter Shade Of Pale
I really like this song... This is music!
A Whiter Shade Of Pale - Procol Harum
The song was realesed in 1967 and I think this clip was recorded the same year.
"We skipped the light fandango
Turned cartwheels cross the floor
I was feeling kinda seasick
But the crowd called out for more
The room was humming harder
As the ceiling flew away
When we called out for another drink
The waiter brought a tray
And so it was that later
As the miller told his tale
That her face, at first just ghostly,
Turned a whiter shade of pale
She said, there is no reason
And the truth is plain to see.
But I wandered through my playing cards
And would not let her be
One of sixteen vestal virgins
Who were leaving for the coast
And although my eyes were open
They might have just as wellve been closed
She said, Im home on shore leave,
Though in truth we were at sea
So I took her by the looking glass
And forced her to agree
Saying, you must be the mermaid
Who took neptune for a ride.
But she smiled at me so sadly
That my anger straightway died
If music be the food of love
Then laughter is its queen
And likewise if behind is in front
Then dirt in truth is clean
My mouth by then like cardboard
Seemed to slip straight through my head
So we crash-dived straightway quickly
And attacked the ocean bed "
Monday, June 9, 2008
Led Zeppelin, live 2009?
According to Jimmy Page himself, Led Zeppeling are ready to play more shows. But he also says that the fans could have to wait until autumn 2009.
Read more:
Bob Dylan Speaks Out For Barack Obama
Bob Dylan has come out in favor of Barack Obama.
read more digg story
Is it relevant what Dylan says? Yes of cource, always!
Helter Skelter
The White Album, The White Album, The White Album!
It never stops to impress me, the incredible variations in The Beatles songs, how innovative and influencial they've been and still are. Just listen to this song, it was released on The White Album in 1968, just five years after their enormous break-through with I Want To Hold Your Hand and She Loves You. I mean, some people goes on writing the same stuff for 50 years, The Beatles only existed for ten years but there is nothing they didn't write. And one more thing: they were first!
Helter Skelter - The Beatles
When I get to the bottom I go back to the top of the slide
Where I stop and I turn and I go for a ride
Till I get to the bottom and I see you again.
Do you, don't you want me to love you
I'm coming down fast but I'm miles above you
Tell me tell me tell me come on tell me the answer
You may be a lover but you ain't no dancer.
Helter skelter helter skelter
Helter skelter.
Will you, won't you want me to make you
I'm coming down fast but don't let me break you
Tell me tell me tell me the answer
You may be a lover but you ain't no dancer.
Look out helter skelter helter skelter
Helter skelter
Look out, cause here she comes.
When I get to the bottom I go back to the top of the slide
And I stop and I turn and I go for a ride
And I get to the bottom and I see you again
Well do you, don't you want me to make you
I'm coming down fast but don't let me break you
Tell me tell me tell me the answer
You may be a lover but you ain't no dancer.
Look out helter skelter helter skelter
Helter skelter
Look out helter skelter
She's coming down fast
Yes she is Yes she is.
Stairway To Heaven
I just felt for some Led Zeppelin today.. and the song everyone have heard.. Stairway To Heaven! It's considered the best song ever written and it also contains (in my opinion) the best rock solo ever.
I think this live version is one of the best. It's recorded from a concert at Madision Square Garden in 1973.
Stairway To Heaven - Led Zeppelin
The interpretations of the song are many but Robert Plant himself have said that the song describes that women always get what they want.
My Generation @ Woodstock
The year is 1969 and The Who are performing "My Generation" at the Woodstock festival! The song actually got #11 on The Rolling Stone Magazine's list of the 500 greatest songs of all time.
My Generation - The Who
Great song!!
Friday, June 6, 2008
Top Ten Songs by the Beatles
An impossible list to be sure, but a good try nonetheless. Not your standard Beatles fare, these are songs that stand above the the Beatles best.
read more digg story
Found this list and thought it was quite cool.. Some nice Beatles songs to check out!
Visions Of Johanna
The best song ever written? Well, at least one of Dylan's best songs, and that says a lot! Even though I know that the song has a lot to say I must confess that I didn't have a clue about what when I read the lyrics the first time. Fortunately, that's not necessary to like the song!
Visions Of Johanna - Bob Dylan
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Robert Plant & Alison Krauss
Some weeks ago, I went to see Robert Plant and Alison Krauss on their "Raising Sand" tour. I must say that the concert were brilliant. The most people came to the concert to see Plant but afterwards I think everyone went home to listen to Alison Krauss. I mean, their ensamble were terrific. Myself, I had already listened to their album so I already kind of knew that but anyway, hearing Krauss voice live were fantastic and just the fact that I've now seen the rock legend live is very cool.
They sang some of the songs alone and some songs were sung with one of them as a background singer. But of cource, they sang the most of songs togheter and I would like to call them the best duo since Simon & Garfunkel. If you haven't heard them yet, take a look at this clip:
Please Read The Letter - Robert Plant & Alison Krauss
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Happiness Is A Warm Gun
I think this song is a little strange, even if I like it very much! I don't know the exact intentions with the lyrics but the special sound is in my opinion very cool. John Lennon has said that title of the song came from the cover of a gun magazine that the producer George Martin showed him. "I think he showed me a cover of a magazine that said 'Happiness Is a Warm Gun.' It was a gun magazine. I just thought it was a fantastic, insane thing to say. A warm gun means you just shot something."
Well, I totaly agree on that point!
Happiness Is A Warm Gun - The Beatles
Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You
This is a clip from Led Zeppelin's early days. The song is actually a cover of Joan Baez version which was recorded in 1963. This clip is from 1969 and according to wikipedia, that year's concerts were the only occasions ever when the whole group performed this song live.
Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You - Led Zeppelin
Dylan and Donovan
This is a clip with Dylan and Donovan together in 1965. They are singing one song each.
To Sing For You / It's All Over Now, Baby Blue - Donovan / Dylan
Monday, June 2, 2008
The Beatles Nazi Salute
I found this clip yesterday. The Beatles are standing in front of a huge audience in Australia. The yelling fans probably reminds John on the films he has seen with crowds from the 30's in Germany. He puts his finger under his nose like a moustache, raises his hand and shouts "sieg heil!". The others joins him. "Deutschland über alles!"
The Beatles Nazi Salute
I hope no-one gets offended because that's really not the intention. Myself, I feel like Lennon that it's quite funny.
If you have any comments on either my language or what I've been writing about, LET ME KNOW! You can write in the comment box bellow or send me an email at:
Today I spoke to a friend of mine who just had returned from a Bob Dylan concert in Helsinki, Finland. He said it was the best Dylan concert he ever been to, probably thanks to the fact that Dylan was in a very good mood, he even told jokes to the audience. I think that is worth celebrating by posting this clip:
Isis - Bob Dylan
Wikipedia says:
One of the most celebrated songs on Desire is the symbolic travelogue "Isis". According to NPR's Tim Riley, "Isis" tells the story of a young groom who marries his bride before he learns the value of loyalty. Riley wrote that the story told of a man who learns about the love of a woman through the deception of another man and a "quest for riches that resigned itself to the quest for human contact". Also, the protagonist mistakenly believes that his quest is for treasure when an ulterior purpose is at play. When he approaches the tomb, he finds it empty and without any reward. Unbeknownst to him, he was playing a part in a higher story line: the tomb eagerly awaited for the arrival of his companion who dies immediately. When he chucks the body into the empty space, he realizes what a folly this whole adventure has been, and thus returns to the arms of his knowing wife."
Hmm... great song... this clip is aslo one of my favourites on YouTube...
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The Best Rock Band
Hands down, no argument: It's The Beatles. And quit calling Coldplay rock, will you? The Best of Everything: Our Opinions Are Righter Than Yours!
read more digg story
I think this article is very clever! Check it out!
I use my radio as a alarm clock every morning. This morning, I was awakened by this song:
Cocaine - Eric Clapton
It's really a cool song!! No question about that!!
If you have any comments on either my language or what I've been writing about, LET ME KNOW! You can write in the comment box bellow or send me an email at:
June 1, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
Forgot to publish this yesterday..

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - 2:02
With a Little Help From My Friends - 2:44
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds - 3:28
Getting Better - 2:47
Fixing a Hole - 2:36
She's Leaving Home - 3:35
Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite! - 2:37
Side B
Within You Without You (George Harrison) - 5:05
When I'm Sixty-Four - 2:37
Lovely Rita - 2:42
Good Morning Good Morning - 2:41
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (reprise) - 1:18
A Day in the Life - 5:33
When this album was recorded, The Beatles had stopped touring because of the fans. They got a lot more time to prepare their new record which led to the fact that they started experimenting and evolve their musical interests. That is probably the numer one reason why Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band became so innovative and have been so influencial to other artist. One example is Jimi Hendrix who the same day the album was released performed a cover on the song with the same name.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Baba O'Riley
This is my favourite clip on YouTube! Baba O'Riley with The Who
Baba O'Riley - The Who
This song is amazing!
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